I would like to offer a toast! A toast to all those who have given a hand or blood and tears into this house; a toast to those who have followed us on this blog and given advice, encouragement, and criticism; a toast to everyone who has supported us in this endeavor. Last night we went out for supper and toasted to the completion of our house!
Dan, dad, and myself spent the afternoon grouting tile and cleaning up the main floor of the house. Yesterday we were able to get ALL the back splash done in one day! well, almost. There was a slight miss hap because I didn't supervise Dad close enough! We each were tiling one side of the sink (naturally the larger side was dictated to me). On the second to last row dad stands back and asks "Does this look right to you?" I glanced over and gave him the okay. After cleaning up and a few drinks we were sitting on the couch and I was admiring our work in the kitchen. That's when it cause my eye - the tile patter is stacked bricks going up and a diagonal to the left... dad's top row goes to the right! It is really my fault, he wasn't sure what he was doing on the second to last row, I don't know what made me thought that he could copy the same pattern on the next one above it. So at ten o'clock last night I had a little freak out! Fortunately, the tile was not all the way stuck on yet so we pried it off, scrapped of the dried goop, and left it to fix in the morning. *Sigh* building a house is stressful!
(As stupid as dad thinks it is to spend money on roses I'm very thankful to my husband for my dozen pink pre-valentines roses)
Not to mention that I was already stressed from the 'book case incident' of a few days previous. After waiting months with much trepidation for my beloved book cases I was met with heartache and grief! Dan bought me the bookcases for either side of the fireplace for my Christmas present. They were installed last week but the guy didn't put the shelves in - he left it for me to put them in at the level that I wanted. So of course I put off doing homework (even though I had a test the next day - Got 93% on it) to put in the shelves and load them up with book. However, when I started putting them in I noticed they rocked! Now, this is where the English language fail us because some of you read this and think - oh good, the shelves rocked and were totally awesome! However, this is not what the I was feeling. The shelves rocked! as in they teetered, tottered, wobbled, and in general were not in the same state of solidness as there physical case! This was sad. I cried a little (not really but that is what we told the cabinet guy to make him feel bad!). But then Wonder Steve, said cabinet guy whisked in and saved the day. In one short afternoon my shelves were gone and came back working in their proper solidity! (My new word). This then rocked! As in totally awesome, far out dude, envy of the neighbourhood, and OMG! All in all a stressful situation that turned out alright in the end.
(To get the full effect you really need to click the pictures to enlarge them!)
Ps. I thought I would just include a few pictures of our Valentines supper (with daddy). We spent the afternoon shopping and making sushi! We also made tampura dates - which sounds really grose but next time you are over at mine or dad's house we'll surve them to you and you'll never be the same again!
Not to mention that I was already stressed from the 'book case incident' of a few days previous. After waiting months with much trepidation for my beloved book cases I was met with heartache and grief! Dan bought me the bookcases for either side of the fireplace for my Christmas present. They were installed last week but the guy didn't put the shelves in - he left it for me to put them in at the level that I wanted. So of course I put off doing homework (even though I had a test the next day - Got 93% on it) to put in the shelves and load them up with book. However, when I started putting them in I noticed they rocked! Now, this is where the English language fail us because some of you read this and think - oh good, the shelves rocked and were totally awesome! However, this is not what the I was feeling. The shelves rocked! as in they teetered, tottered, wobbled, and in general were not in the same state of solidness as there physical case! This was sad. I cried a little (not really but that is what we told the cabinet guy to make him feel bad!). But then Wonder Steve, said cabinet guy whisked in and saved the day. In one short afternoon my shelves were gone and came back working in their proper solidity! (My new word). This then rocked! As in totally awesome, far out dude, envy of the neighbourhood, and OMG! All in all a stressful situation that turned out alright in the end.
(To get the full effect you really need to click the pictures to enlarge them!)
So we are calling Sunday February 14th 2010 the day we officially finished! As any home owner knows, there is still much work to be done on the house as the months go on BUT we are officially calling it done!, . . Dad was able to cross THE LAST thing off his to do list; although Dan and I have a long list of little things to do as we settle in. We will still have lots of things like filling some nail holes in my baseboards and patching dents in the walls as we get our furniture arranged. The compressor though, is finally ready to move back into storage and Dad is loading the tools into his truck in the next few days.
I've uploaded lots of pictures of the house but I know they don't do the real thing justice! We are planning on having a house warming party here in May and we would love for everyone to plan to come out and see the place!
Ps. I thought I would just include a few pictures of our Valentines supper (with daddy). We spent the afternoon shopping and making sushi! We also made tampura dates - which sounds really grose but next time you are over at mine or dad's house we'll surve them to you and you'll never be the same again!