What a difference one day can make! I left for school this morning and all we had was a flat - level - uninteresting house; when I got home today we had WALLS!
The view is from the back of the house standing in the middle of the yard. The jut out on the left is where the main floor bathroom will be and the window on the right is my kitchen window - so I can watch the puppies play all day long.
The boys were having a little fun and decided to through up one of the second floor walls just to see how tall it was going to be. Yes, everyone was right, it is going to tower over the neighbours!
I know that I have not been updating this blog as often as some people would like. School has started again! I am working (although I have been there only four hours this week). And now to boot I'm sick! Oh well. In all of that blog and email have fallen to the way-side. Also, to this point significant little has happened on the house in the past week. Inspection and pouring of the basement floor. After that dad has been earning his keep digging a ditch in the great Saskatchewan dirt - if anyone wants to really harass Kim on his trip home (next week) please bring up the topic of how much you love the soft, rich soil of B.C. :) He used a shovel, axe, and some other instruments to dig his ditch at the rate of approximately 5 feet in two hours (that's slow when you have to go 30 feet.
The next few weeks should be interesting development on the house so I will try to post at least a pictures each day.